Wednesday, December 24, 2008

The Rise of the Poker Bots - Can They Really Make Money?

Unless you've been living in a cave for the past 5 years you can't help but have noticed the surge of interest in online poker. Everywhere from bus stops to TV commercials promote the game and the online gambling that allow you to play. It's a huge global industry! Poker has it's own celebrities and stars of TV and film have also jumped on the band wagon to become poker playing celebrities in their own right.

The question for me has always been can 'normal' people like me actually make any money playing poker? And flowing on from that, can you trust the uk casino sites that provide the poker tables and the people you're playing alongside. No, I don't mean the fact that 'Bulldog47' is actually a German housewife and not the bearded Texan her avatar picture makes her out to be! Are these players even people at all - or are they 'bots,' computer run players designed to rob me of my hard earned chips! And if there ARE such poker bots where do I get my hands on one and start making some cash while I sleep!

Poker bots - or poker robots - are the distant relatives of the great chess computers. There's something inspiring about man taking on machine in a test of mental agility ... and it's even more exciting when there's a chance of winning some money from your digital adversary!
I've been on a mission to research and test the various bots on the market and see if they really can beat man at his own best casino game.

Internet provide interesting bingo game in global world all players can play bingo with full entertainment.

A couple of years on this quest later and I have some - if not all - of the answers. Follow my Blog and I can guarantee to save you and in the end to make you some money from the online poker boom.

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